Multivitamin Lozenges for Kids

A kid-friendly dietary supplement in bear-shaped lozenges that boosts immunity and supports proper growth and development by providing a variety of vitamins enriched with Calcium.

Vitamin D3 Drops for Health Bones and Teeth

A 400 IU of vitamin D per drop is a high-quality dietary supplement that is necessary to support strong bones and teeth. A daily vitamin D drops to keep the body’s levels stable and promote healthy bones, teeth, muscles, and immune system.

Multivitamin Tonic for Growth and Appetite

Bonavidea Kids Tonic is a syrup that contains 14 important nutrients in an optimal dosage and balance, together with minerals and amino acids. It is designed to address issues with appetite and growth in kids or those in growth and development phase.


A Simethicone in Olive Oil Oral drops indicated to relieve stomach discomfort from gas in infants and children.


A food supplement based on Lactobacillus Reuterii to support the balance of intestinal flora providing tummy comfort for infants and kids.

Vita Sticks with Royal Jelly, Iron, Vitamins & Glutamins

A multivitamin supplement enriched with iron and Glutamine that supports healthy energy metabolism, red blood cell production, and cognitive function — all vital for children’s growth and well-being. A daily vitamin to keep youngsters happy, healthy, and active.